Hello world!

Hello world!

I’m so pleased to be sharing my artwork and my story with you. For a long time I’ve been afraid to put myself out there (I guess out here, on the internet). But it is an exciting time to be joining other creators, the brave ones who have gone before me. I am doing this as a way to give back; because I hope my story, my art, and my thoughts might just help or inspire someone else, as I was.

My journey into creating art began in college. While I was taking an art class to fulfill the requirements of my bachelors degree, I found that completing my art assignments was a complete joy. I could feel the stress in my life melt away as I lost myself in creative expression. And I’ve never looked back.

Art is an amazing stress reliever, and that is what brought me into the field of art therapy. Since I decided to step out of my full-time career and into my role as mom I noticed that I was leaning into art-making as a way to find myself again. It has been an exciting process, and I’m honored to be sharing that with the world now.

I love all types of art media: photography, ceramics, printmaking, watercolor, painting, drawing, and collage. I recently gave alcohol inks a try and am really enjoying them too. For the first time ever my artwork is now available for purchase through my etsy store. Feel free to check it out if you would love to add a splash of whimsy and color to your home or work space.

Additionally, if you are interested in reading about my parenting journey head on over to my mommy blog: Promoted to Parent. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I do like to offer encouragement. Because parenting is so much easier when we come together as a community.